Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Love and self-love

Love and self-love

Love is high vibrational energy and star seeds are well aware of this fact.
We have existed in higher dimensions and realities, therefore many of us have memories of how pure love energy feels.
We often 'miss Home' because we miss the purity of love. We remember our effortless existence within those incredible high vibrational energies and of course we wish to experience the same feeling in this reality on this planet.
However, we are experiencing love very differently in this realm.
Many believe that unconditional love is the highest form of love in this reality and for them that is the truth.
But for most people love is always conditional and for this reason that is their experience of it without consciously realizing this fact.
The purity of love energy cannot be felt when expectations and conditions are attached to it. Those attachments are significantly lowering the vibration of universal high energies, therefore losing their purity and power by manipulation.
Throughout this ongoing ascension process, all of us are infinitely supplied by high vibrational universal love energies. It is an important part of the process for many people in their present life to shift their experiences and perception of love to a much higher level.
And it means that letting go of old beliefs and expectations about love is necessary in order to be open for new experiences.

We are transforming physically, mentally and emotionally with the help and support of all universal energies every single day and night.
When we release old, stuck, karmic energies, we can instantly fill up our bodies and aura with crystalline energy as many people experience this in their process lately.
We feel undeniably different and uplifted as the process goes on and our bodies vibrate on a higher level by having more and more crystalline energy within them.
As a result, we start to vibrate on a higher frequency and our interaction with multidimensional energies is purified, therefore we perceive love in its pure form. We feel self-love on the highest level, regardless of any outer conditions or circumstances. We feel and experience self-love fully and we also understand that this amazing, uplifting emotion is not dependent on anything or anyone.
It is a pure interaction with high vibrational universal love energies.
When we are filled with these energies, our perception of ourselves and others shifts and changes dramatically.
We do not look for love energy outside of ourselves as we feel fulfilled, complete and as though nothing is 'missing'.
Star seeds experience this type of higher connection as a 'Home feeling' and for many it is a very new emotional experience.
This ascension process provides a unique opportunity for many people (Souls) to evolve and shift to a new level of love experiences and that is why they have chosen to take part of this often challenging and confusing process. And even if many are still not fully aware of the changes that they are going through, nevertheless the energy exchange within their bodies is constant.

My personal experience this year is that, I'm seeing and meeting more and more people who are filled with crystalline energy within their bodies and energy field. Some are aware that they are interacting with new energies and others might feel the changes but they have no conscious knowledge and understanding of it.

However, it is a great new experience to see an ever-increasing light within others as many of us have been waiting for these uplifting images for a long time.


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Friday, 16 May 2014

The Flow

The Flow

The energies of this month are very gentle compared with the intensity of April's energies which pushed us to change. 
The latest gateway opening and crossing helped us to reach a new phase in our process. Therefore nowadays we are fully supported to be focused on manifesting our desires in the physical reality as we have indeed entered into an energetically new space and new level of awareness.

Within this new space we experience the flow of all universal energies more frequently than ever before. Now we can feel and master much more easily how to stay within and be one with the flow of pure, high vibrational energies.
In the past, we used to create stability and steadiness in our lives to feel safe and because it worked for us many might still want to hold on to that way of living. 
However we also have the opportunity to choose to alter our life perceptions by being in the flow.
As the energetic structure of our physical, mental and emotional bodies have changed significantly, now we interact with high vibrational energies more effortlessly. Therefore staying in the flow of all universal energies becomes part of our every day life for a longer and longer period of time.
When we allow ourselves to be one with the flow then we experience increased clarity and we can truly feel and understand our limitlessness, our infinity.
Within the flow we receive all sorts of information, new ideas, notions what we can merge with and insert into our physical reality. In this way we are able to reform our whole life based on higher, new knowledge and new perceptions. And because we are constantly supported by all universal energies as we interact and flow with them, the manifestation of our new life creation becomes more and more effortless.

Trust is important, as always! We are on new 'territory' once again in our process and we need to learn to trust that our new experiences with the flow become our new way of existence in this reality. We do not need to analyze, we do not need to over-think the information we receive.
As we learn to trust, we realize that by being one with the flow, we create not only new life experiences but we also become our new, true selves.
Therefore we can shift anything in our lives as we flow with universal energies and trust that it is leading us to new creations from moment to moment.
We can feel and have a new sense of the constant motion as we are steadily moving and flowing forward but it is very different from the steadiness and experience that our ego used to create.
Our new creations are not based on any of our old, previous experiences and perceptions.
Although it might seem that the physical reality and people around us have not changed much, our perception of them has changed tremendously and for us that is a 'game changer'. Therefore all of our interaction with others, all of our ways of creation have been altered, thus we are in the process of learning and mastering our new way of existence within the flow.
We have also fulfilled many or all of our soul contracts in the old reality and it means that we are open for new connections and opportunities and can establish new relationships in all areas of our lives.

I truly wish to encourage you all to be curious, learn and experience more and more how to be one with the flow and be within the flow of all universal energies, merging it with your physical reality.



Saturday, 3 May 2014

No attachment

No attachment

We have been releasing in recent years much of everything that we may now call old. We have been doing a constant inner work which needed to be done in order to move forward and upward. We have faced various challenges along the way, but many of us have chosen to follow our inner, higher guidance despite the fact that most of the time it might have made no sense to us and we have had no idea where it will lead us. Uncertainty becomes the theme in countless ways for those who are taking part of the ascension process. 
However we also have to remember that each phase of this process is temporary and as the overall plan is unfolding, we are flowing with it.

We have detached from so much of the old (selves), now we can hardly recognize ourselves at times as a result of that.
Our belief system has significantly changed, we interact with others very differently or often not at all, because we cannot find common ground with them any longer.
And mostly, we might not experience emotions the same way as we have been during our whole lives.
Detachment changes every aspect of our lives and provides us with emotional freedom. 
When we are not attached to situations, ideas or to people around us, our perception of any life experience can be utterly altered.
We acknowledge the flow of life (energies) with ease when we do not pressure or force ourselves to hold on to anything.

This is however not an easy concept in a physical realm which is where we currently exist.
But learning and mastering detachment is part of the overall ascension process.
We simply cannot shift to higher levels of awareness and interact with higher vibrational universal energies as long as we keep attaching ourselves to old energies and life experiences.
What we may find challenging is that many of us are shifting and evolving, but definitely not all!
In fact, everyone is on a very different level of awareness and stage of their own process, therefore it is really not that simple sometimes to communicate with others.
We might also feel and be aware of the fact that we vibrate on a different energy level and frequency than many around us and it can cause discomfort within us at times if we sense the energetic 'gap'.
However, when we remember not to attach ourselves to other people's experiences and instead we choose to be observers then the interaction is so much easier for us.
We do not need to repeat (old) situations and life experiences for the sake of others. We can observe and understand that our friends or family members are dealing with their issues on certain levels, but if we have already completed that kind of inner work for ourselves we do not need to be involved in their process.
Thus, we are free and able to keep focused on our own process and we can simply trust that others will complete the necessary tasks for themselves and then they will shift to a new level of awareness.

Keeping our high vibrational energies and awareness on the level that we have already reached is important for ourselves and for the overall ascension process as well.
In this way we can energetically assist not only those closest and dearest to us but everyone on this planet.


Thank you for your donation!

Tuesday, 15 April 2014



Many of us can feel the squeezing and pushing effect of a gateway opening.
When a gateway is approaching us and Earth, we feel the energy of it days before it fully arrives.
We always have preparation time before crossing a gateway and entering into a new, higher vibrational energy space.
The energies of an approaching gateway 'pushes our buttons', stimulating us to let go of old beliefs, ideas, karmic or stuck energies and essentially anything that we do not need to (nor want to) drag into the new energy space.
Therefore the preparation time can be an intense experience for many.
Depending on our individual soul plan, each of us can be affected differently before and after crossing a gateway.
When we are ready on the soul level to shift up to a higher level of awareness, and also to interact with higher vibrational energies, then a gateway crossing is a significant event in our lives and soul journey.
We cannot really know what awaits us on the other side of the gateway, but we can clearly feel the pressure of the approaching energies within our physical, mental and emotional bodies.
(Mostly we just want to sleep as we feel tired with no apparent reason.)
The pressure that we feel is in fact a clear indicator of the new space that we are about to enter.
It is crucial for us to have preparation time, because our bodies needs to be ready to interact with the new energies of our new space.
Therefore we need time to release energy blockages from our physical body, old beliefs from our awareness and certain emotions that would not serve us well in the new space.
None of this is an easy task.
However, the more we manage to deal with the old, the more we will be able to benefit from our new space and all that it has to offer us, ones we have crossed over.
If we take our old 'baggage' into the new, that means we will still be dealing with our old issues, instead of fully merging with the new and benefiting from it.

We are having these universal events over and over again as these gateways are an extremely important part of the Earth's and our ascension process.
We feel the pressure of the gateways and we might feel that their energies are 'pushing' us and that is actually correct. If we need the 'push' to move forward then that is what we are experiencing.
But, if we surrender to these energies and acknowledge the importance of the preparation time, releasing everything that needs to be left behind, then we will have a different experience with each gateway.

A huge gateway is opening currently and I know many of you can feel the effect of it.
Therefore I would like to encourage you all to be prepared for the crossing, so you will be able to fully merge with the new on the other side of this gateway.


Thank you for your donation!

Thursday, 3 April 2014

When we are in stillness

When we are in stillness

From time to time we feel like we are completely cut off from the outside reality and also from our inner, higher guidance.
During those days, we experience disconnection and detachment, even more than usual.
We wish to go on with our daily lives but we find ourselves in a state of overwhelming inner numbness and stillness that somehow prevents us from doing so.
Our ego wants to push things along, but at the same time nothing feels inspiring or remotely interesting for us, therefore even if we do manage to get on with 'business as usual' we feel no connection to our activities, actions or the people around us.
We are seemingly participating in other people's realities, however the feeling of detachment and disconnection is present and strong in every moment.
And this state can last for several days.
In those days we mostly just want to snap out of it and shake off this numbing feeling, but we simply cannot.
Our brain desperately want to find the answer to this experience and our ego becomes restless as the stillness doesn't seem to dissipate.
Then we also turn to the Universe and to our higher guidance for answers, but all we can hear is silence.
We might even feel as if we are forced to be in this stillness and, in a sense, that is the case.
Although we might experience disconnection from our higher soul guidance, in truth the silence and the stillness itself is the guidance in those days.

Our soul is fully in charge while we are in stillness.
Our ego is being contained, put on hold while our soul is rearranging certain aspect of our lives and repositioning us in the new.
Therefore our ego needs to be suppressed during this part of the process otherwise it would most likely interfere with the changes.
So the discomfort and feeling of uncertainty that we might experience while in stillness is essentially just a very unusual state for us.
Usually our ego self is in charge most of the time and that is the norm for us.
We do follow our soul guidance as well, but we also have the illusion that we are in control and when the stillness takes over we feel as if we have no control at all.

Surrendering to soul completely is not yet the norm for us as we are still transitioning.
We are learning and mastering to allow soul guidance to lead us fully and transforming our ego selves to merge with soul in new ways.
Therefore, at times, soul forces us to stay still and to make no ego-based plans that would simply lead us back to old experiences.
Our soul is always guiding us forward into new experiences and realities, but our ego might want to stay in the old, familiar experiences.
Nevertheless, we are transforming!

So, when you hear no guidance and feel like nothing is moving along in your life, then be still and allow soul to be in charge.
Trust that your soul is unfolding a true plan for you and you will see and fully understand it when the stillness ends and you will reconnect to all, in very new ways.


(Thank you for your donation!:-)

Thursday, 20 March 2014



Letting go of control is one of the most challenging part of the ascension process.
Our old reality is all about control.
We want to be in charge of every single aspect of our lives and we cannot really imagine existing in any other way.
Perhaps we might not call it control, as we believe that we are simply making plans and we are following through with those plans to manifest them.
Nevertheless when we are creating plans, we often forget to 'pause' and feel whether that plan is ego-based or if it true soul guidance.
The fact is that our ego loves to be in charge and thus, we have been experiencing most of everything through our ego.
However we can also feel and know the difference when we allow and experience soul creation.
A soul plan can effortlessly manifest even if we are not certain how it will unfold. When we trust and listen to our inner soul guidance we experience effortless creation.
But when we feel the need to be in charge and control every aspect of a creation then we permit ego to take the lead.

Clearly we cannot magically switch off our old control program and change overnight, that would most likely cause much confusion in our lives.
We are in the process of learning how to change from ego-based, controlled planning to allowing pure soul creation in our every day lives which is part of our overall ascension process.
And just like with everything else during the ascension process, we are receiving support and guidance to make this shift.
We are supplied with infinite high vibrational energies to assist us with our physical, mental and emotional transformations.
These energies are upgrading us constantly as we integrate them.
But if we choose to cling on to control and resist universal energies, we can significantly slow down our own progress.

Trust and flexibility is key throughout the ascension process.
We need to recognise and pay attention to the changes that we are experiencing in our consciousness.
We must have a clear understanding of our present level of awareness at all times! Therefore we cannot assume that we are still participating in the old program in the same manner, when we are within the constant flow of personal transformations.
We can see and feel how our perception of life experiences are changing as we are shifting to different, higher levels of awareness.
We need to be flexible in our consciousness and learn how to perceive life in new ways with our new knowledge, instead of holding on to any aspect of the old program.

Yes, it is challenging (to say the least), but we can trust in our soul guidance to lead us and we can trust in all universal energies to transform and support us along the way.


(Thank you for your donation!)


Wednesday, 5 March 2014

What is creation?

What is creation?

We all have our own personal understanding about creation, based on our life long experiences.
And because we are here to experience a physical reality in this specific incarnation, creation is mostly perceived as a physical act.
We tend to measure the success of our creations based on the material aspects of a creation. The more we see to manifest in physical forms from an idea the more we feel satisfied.
Therefore we want to control the manifestation process and also the outcome of it, at all times.
We have learned to create and manifest with the illusion of control and it has served us well in the past, as that has been our experience to learn.

However, as we are growing, evolving and shifting to higher levels of awareness, we are opening up to a new understanding of creation.
We are now able to experience creation without the illusion (and need) of control.
As we let go of control, we can see and feel the magnificence of creation in a very new way.
And it all starts with the realization that we ourselves are creations.
We are physical creations and manifestations of Source and Soul.
We might have believed in the past that we were the ones creating and manifesting, but that was merely the ego perception of our experiences.
When we accept ourselves as Source creations, as an extension of Source, we can feel and realize that all creation simply flows through us.
Thereby we can end our ego-based experiences of creation and shift, evolve to become and Be an infinite flow of Source and Soul creation.

We are evolving, thus we all have more and more clarity and what we might call 'perfect moments'.
Within those moments, we feel that we are fully present in the now.
In truth, when we are experiencing being in the 'now', at that precise moment we are completely aligning with Source and Soul.
It feels perfect, because we are allowing Source energies to flow through us freely, thereby experiencing creation in the purest manner.
We do not think, we do not control, we simply allowing the energies to manifest through us.
The experience itself is perfection and so is the manifestation of those moments of perfect and whole alignment.

We are learning and mastering to be flawless channels of Source energies and creations in physical form. Thus we merge more and more of pure creations with our physical realities.
And those perfect moments of alignment will be the norm for us if we choose to change our perception and experience of creation.

At this time in the ascension process, I would like to encourage you all to become flexible in your consciousness like never before, because you might be shifting to higher levels of awareness or perhaps you have already shifted, without fully realizing it.


(Thank you for acknowledging and appreciating my work via your donations.)

Friday, 21 February 2014

Can you see yourself as a perfect creation?

Can you see yourself as a perfect creation?

Throughout our lives we are constantly busy with something. We occupy ourselves with various activities, work and relationships.
We believe that if we archive more and if we experience more in life, somehow we will become more. Therefore we are persistently pushing our boundaries to experience a full life, because we don't want to miss out on anything.
It is the mindset of most people on this planet and it is working and manifesting itself for many as they truly and deeply believe that this is the only way to experience life.

But, as we are going through different stages of the ascension process, the perception of our previous belief system can change significantly.
Many of us are here to experience great shifts in our awareness in this lifetime, thus we simply cannot hold on to old beliefs and mindsets even if they have served us well in the past.
We are within a flow of transitional phases perpetually and flexibility is crucial for us if we wish to keep up with the changes.
As our consciousness reaches higher and higher levels, we need to adapt to new ideas and beliefs frequently. We must pay attention to and notice our new knowledge and feelings as they are surfacing from within our new, higher level of awareness.
We cannot cling on to old ideas and notions, unless we want to keep on repeating everything we have already experienced the exact same way.
Breaking out of the old is challenging for all of us, but through our new awareness we are receiving clearer and clearer guidance as to how to merge our new knowledge, beliefs and emotions with the seemingly unchanging outside world around us.

We are perfect creations!

Nothing about us is 'good or bad', 'more or less', 'right or wrong' as it is only our dual perception of ourselves.
When we recognize ourselves as perfect creations, then we understand and accept that everything what manifested through us is also perfect creation.
By letting go of the old need of controlling every aspect of our lives based on the duality mindset, we free ourselves to experience the flow of manifestation and creation in very new ways.
Our consciousness is showing us the way and expanding into this amazing new experience of life on Earth.
Therefore, I truly wish to inspire you all to keep on evolving and expanding in your awareness and trust your inner guidance at all times, regardless of the stage or level of consciousness that you are currently experiencing.


(Your donation is truly appreciated and I'm grateful for your support.)

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Where do star seeds come from?

Where do star seeds come from?

First of all, I'd like to say that my perception of star seeds is based on my own experiences as I'm one, plus based on knowledge I have gained during my private sessions with many star seeds over the years.

We are multidimensional light beings and we are aware of that. Therefore we are seeding and representing all universal energies and consciousness on this planet. We have had countless incarnations in higher dimensions, since our Soul has separated from Source and started its journey. This time we have descended from our higher dimensional existences to raise the vibration of this planet by being present.

Although we are multidimensional beings thus we have existed in numerous dimensions, in my experience we have the strongest connection to our previous dimension, to that where we have came from to this planet.
What I see with star seeds is that they are representing and working with specific energies, depending on their previous higher dimension. That means the vibration of a star seed from 8th dimension is very different from a star seed from 6th dimension, for example. Their higher dimensional energy is directly linked to their lives in this reality and they express that specific vibration in many different ways. So, trying to create a general idea or image of the star seeds is simply not possible.

We have come from non-physical 'places' of the Universe.
During my sessions with star seeds, I receive the information about what dimension they are linked to, where they existed previously and much more, but I have never received any names for those 'places' as they have no names in our reality.
When we look up to the night sky and watch the stars, we might feel that we are looking at the part of the Universe where we came from. However, we are actually looking at other dense, physical planets that are visible to us, unlike our original non-physical dimensions.
Our 3rd dimensional mind might create certain images of our higher aspects and realities and might even give (3rd D) names to them as it is our human need to make the non-physical somehow tangible so it become easier to understand. But in truth, we are connecting through our consciousness and energies to our home dimensions and that is our deepest connection.

We are constantly spreading our high vibrational light energies, thus we are often called light workers as well and that is what we all are.
However, not all light workers are star seeds. There are so many people who represent love and light on this planet even though they have never yet existed in higher dimensions on their soul journey.
Those souls/people are evolving rapidly in this lifetime as they are ready to move on and experience higher (than 3rd dimensional) realities and realms.
We resonate with them easily as they are very open to and perceptive of high vibrational energies.
And we feel close to them because we know that they are ready to experience what we have already experienced; higher dimensional existences and consciousness.


(Your donation is truly appreciated and I'm thankful for your support.)


Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Our authentic selves and awareness

Our authentic selves and awareness

Many people tend to believe that authenticity is something we have to achieve and being authentic means being unique.
But, we are all unique! 
This planet and reality is a giant free will playground for all of us to play out and manifest our own individual soul plans.
Therefore, in any given moment, we are indeed unique and authentic as we are following and fulfilling our soul plans and soul contracts.
When we don't judge or label others and simply observe them, we realize how complex and magnificent we all are.
And in fact, we cannot be anything else but our true, authentic selves.

However, as we are evolving and changing, our truth and understanding can shift significantly, as much as we allow it.
We are going through and experiencing different phases in our ascension process and it can be amazingly beautiful and confusing at the same time.
As we are removing and releasing old identities, labels, beliefs, layers of ourselves, we might often wonder who we are.
We might feel confused, because our old roles don't fit us any longer and we don't wish to hold on to them, but we are uncertain how to move forward.
This feeling occurs when we are positioning and settling on a new level of awareness. And therefore everything feels new, strange and we may feel that we cannot find footing in this new state of awareness.
But, as we settle on our new level and a new kind of clarity takes over within our consciousness, we ones again feel as if we find our new true, authentic selves.
We wish to speak our new mind, our new truth, thus we want to express ourselves in very new ways. We want to share our truth with others to inspire them to grow and evolve as we are excited about our new level of consciousness and we wish them to experience the same.

Regardless of how many people are actually listening to our truth, many of us feel a constant and strong inner guidance to share with others.
We express our true selves in countless different ways as we are all unique and authentic in our own ways.
People around us may or may not resonate with what we represent, nevertheless we are constantly stimulating, shifting and raising the level of awareness on this planet as we ourselves are evolving.

We offer our love, our services, our help and assistance to others and even when the effect of our offerings might not be visible and tangible to us, we know and feel that we are fulfilling our purposes, thus our soul plans and contracts.
And for this reason we are always our true, authentic selves, as we are experiencing ourselves on different levels of consciousness throughout this ascension process.

When will this process reach the end? We all wish to know that, as we often feel tired, confused and challenged in this seemingly endless expansion process.
Many people say it will never end as our ascension is infinite and I believe that to be true.
However, I also believe that each of us incarnated with an individual soul plan, thus our soul planned already the certain levels of awareness we are here to experience in this life time.
Therefore it cannot be a general answer to that question as each of us is in the process of unfolding our unique soul plans.

We are all expressing ourselves based on our current level of awareness at any time.
And we might all be on different levels of understanding, nonetheless we can speak our truth and express our true selves every single moment of our lives.


(Your donation means a lot to me in this challenging times! Thank you for supporting my work and I hope you find love, support and comfort in my words.)

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Keeping our inner balance

Keeping our inner balance

When we are seeing non-physical images and visions, we are essentially accessing higher information and higher knowledge.
Our 3rd dimensional mind is 'translating' certain higher information into 3rd dimensional images, enabling us to understand the essence of it.
The visual aspect of the images that we are receiving depends upon our state of mind and our level of consciousness, therefore it is always different for each of us.
Mostly we are seeing visions about ourselves, but many of us often receive higher information for others as well.
Usually I don't write about my personal visions, however I have had a vision recently that I would like to share here.

In that particular vision, I was walking by the ocean barefoot on the sand. Everything was peaceful and silent around me. My physical appearance seemed to be very different and I also appeared to be much younger, as if I went through a complete transformation.
But the most important feeling I noticed was that my inner energy and the external energies were in absolute and perfect balance.
This realisation was so amazingly striking, it suddenly felt like duality ceased to exist.

That striking feeling of perfect balance of all energies was at the core of my vision and I believe that this is our destination, where we will feel and experience balance in our consciousness thus within our realities.

And we all want to experience that existence when our inner high vibrational energy perfectly matches all external energies thereby bringing balance at all times.
Many of us are truly want to get off the roller coaster of high and low energies, emotions and experiences. We wish to keep our inner balance that we experience time to time in our realities and we wish to hold on to that feeling permanently.

And we are in the process of achieving that seemingly far vision, but we are not there yet.
Nevertheless, we are receiving higher messages and knowledge of that existence in the form of visions. And therefore I wish to remind and encourage you all to hold on to those images, find comfort and confirmation in them.
By remembering our visions we are able to keep our inner balance much easier, until we will reach our destination.


(Your donation means a lot to me in this challenging times! Thank you for supporting my work and I hope you find love, support and comfort in my words.)

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Rewarding ourselves by receiving

Rewarding ourselves by receiving

Ever since we were born we are rising the energetic vibration of this planet by being present.
We came here with the deep inner program to seed our high vibrational energies and endlessly give, regardless of people around us acknowledge it or not.
Many of us are simply don't know any other way of living/functioning as this deep inner feeling is not something that we are able to 'switch off'.
Therefore we are not really comfortable with receiving and even when we do need help, asking for it makes us feel uneasy.
By our higher program we are givers and that is the only role what feels right for us.

However, we must recognize the changes that we are experiencing by being participants of this ascension process. Our inner/higher program is shifting and being altered as we are moving along with the ascension plan.
We cannot view ourselves as we used to and it is important to notice the results of our constant inner transformations.
Although we may still feel that we are givers, we may also realize that the pressure is off as well as more balanced.
Many of us experienced in our lives the strong sense of responsibility for others around us and most of the time even for those we just met and barely knew.
We respond for the needs of others instantly, almost as if we have an inner trigger within us and it activates us to feel responsible for them.
Our energy work has been based on this deep feeling of responsibility.
Consciously or unconsciously we always, always respond to others energetically regardless of the nature of their physical, mental or emotional needs.
This feeling of being responsible for those we share this life/ascension experience with might have been overwhelming for many of us at times.
We have easily lost focus on ourselves countless times during the process, because of the endless stimulation of others around us.

But as we are transforming and evolving, we may feel/experience more balance between giving and receiving.
We have already mastered the giving part of the process and it will go on effortlessly (as long as it needs to) therefore we can now actually shift our focus on receiving.

We all have our personal understanding about receiving and we all heard other people's advice, experiences, methods and perspectives on the subject.
So, we can choose to follow those recommendations or we can choose to listen to our inner/higher guidance thus our multidimensional selves.
When we manage to let go of earthly filters, illusionary boundaries, external influences then we are truly and utterly open to receiving and it takes a whole new universal meaning.

By Being open to receive with no limitations, we can begin a new phase of experiencing life on Earth.


(If you would like to read my older posts, please click on '2013' on the sidebar.)