Tuesday, 15 April 2014



Many of us can feel the squeezing and pushing effect of a gateway opening.
When a gateway is approaching us and Earth, we feel the energy of it days before it fully arrives.
We always have preparation time before crossing a gateway and entering into a new, higher vibrational energy space.
The energies of an approaching gateway 'pushes our buttons', stimulating us to let go of old beliefs, ideas, karmic or stuck energies and essentially anything that we do not need to (nor want to) drag into the new energy space.
Therefore the preparation time can be an intense experience for many.
Depending on our individual soul plan, each of us can be affected differently before and after crossing a gateway.
When we are ready on the soul level to shift up to a higher level of awareness, and also to interact with higher vibrational energies, then a gateway crossing is a significant event in our lives and soul journey.
We cannot really know what awaits us on the other side of the gateway, but we can clearly feel the pressure of the approaching energies within our physical, mental and emotional bodies.
(Mostly we just want to sleep as we feel tired with no apparent reason.)
The pressure that we feel is in fact a clear indicator of the new space that we are about to enter.
It is crucial for us to have preparation time, because our bodies needs to be ready to interact with the new energies of our new space.
Therefore we need time to release energy blockages from our physical body, old beliefs from our awareness and certain emotions that would not serve us well in the new space.
None of this is an easy task.
However, the more we manage to deal with the old, the more we will be able to benefit from our new space and all that it has to offer us, ones we have crossed over.
If we take our old 'baggage' into the new, that means we will still be dealing with our old issues, instead of fully merging with the new and benefiting from it.

We are having these universal events over and over again as these gateways are an extremely important part of the Earth's and our ascension process.
We feel the pressure of the gateways and we might feel that their energies are 'pushing' us and that is actually correct. If we need the 'push' to move forward then that is what we are experiencing.
But, if we surrender to these energies and acknowledge the importance of the preparation time, releasing everything that needs to be left behind, then we will have a different experience with each gateway.

A huge gateway is opening currently and I know many of you can feel the effect of it.
Therefore I would like to encourage you all to be prepared for the crossing, so you will be able to fully merge with the new on the other side of this gateway.


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Thursday, 3 April 2014

When we are in stillness

When we are in stillness

From time to time we feel like we are completely cut off from the outside reality and also from our inner, higher guidance.
During those days, we experience disconnection and detachment, even more than usual.
We wish to go on with our daily lives but we find ourselves in a state of overwhelming inner numbness and stillness that somehow prevents us from doing so.
Our ego wants to push things along, but at the same time nothing feels inspiring or remotely interesting for us, therefore even if we do manage to get on with 'business as usual' we feel no connection to our activities, actions or the people around us.
We are seemingly participating in other people's realities, however the feeling of detachment and disconnection is present and strong in every moment.
And this state can last for several days.
In those days we mostly just want to snap out of it and shake off this numbing feeling, but we simply cannot.
Our brain desperately want to find the answer to this experience and our ego becomes restless as the stillness doesn't seem to dissipate.
Then we also turn to the Universe and to our higher guidance for answers, but all we can hear is silence.
We might even feel as if we are forced to be in this stillness and, in a sense, that is the case.
Although we might experience disconnection from our higher soul guidance, in truth the silence and the stillness itself is the guidance in those days.

Our soul is fully in charge while we are in stillness.
Our ego is being contained, put on hold while our soul is rearranging certain aspect of our lives and repositioning us in the new.
Therefore our ego needs to be suppressed during this part of the process otherwise it would most likely interfere with the changes.
So the discomfort and feeling of uncertainty that we might experience while in stillness is essentially just a very unusual state for us.
Usually our ego self is in charge most of the time and that is the norm for us.
We do follow our soul guidance as well, but we also have the illusion that we are in control and when the stillness takes over we feel as if we have no control at all.

Surrendering to soul completely is not yet the norm for us as we are still transitioning.
We are learning and mastering to allow soul guidance to lead us fully and transforming our ego selves to merge with soul in new ways.
Therefore, at times, soul forces us to stay still and to make no ego-based plans that would simply lead us back to old experiences.
Our soul is always guiding us forward into new experiences and realities, but our ego might want to stay in the old, familiar experiences.
Nevertheless, we are transforming!

So, when you hear no guidance and feel like nothing is moving along in your life, then be still and allow soul to be in charge.
Trust that your soul is unfolding a true plan for you and you will see and fully understand it when the stillness ends and you will reconnect to all, in very new ways.


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