Friday, 16 May 2014

The Flow

The Flow

The energies of this month are very gentle compared with the intensity of April's energies which pushed us to change. 
The latest gateway opening and crossing helped us to reach a new phase in our process. Therefore nowadays we are fully supported to be focused on manifesting our desires in the physical reality as we have indeed entered into an energetically new space and new level of awareness.

Within this new space we experience the flow of all universal energies more frequently than ever before. Now we can feel and master much more easily how to stay within and be one with the flow of pure, high vibrational energies.
In the past, we used to create stability and steadiness in our lives to feel safe and because it worked for us many might still want to hold on to that way of living. 
However we also have the opportunity to choose to alter our life perceptions by being in the flow.
As the energetic structure of our physical, mental and emotional bodies have changed significantly, now we interact with high vibrational energies more effortlessly. Therefore staying in the flow of all universal energies becomes part of our every day life for a longer and longer period of time.
When we allow ourselves to be one with the flow then we experience increased clarity and we can truly feel and understand our limitlessness, our infinity.
Within the flow we receive all sorts of information, new ideas, notions what we can merge with and insert into our physical reality. In this way we are able to reform our whole life based on higher, new knowledge and new perceptions. And because we are constantly supported by all universal energies as we interact and flow with them, the manifestation of our new life creation becomes more and more effortless.

Trust is important, as always! We are on new 'territory' once again in our process and we need to learn to trust that our new experiences with the flow become our new way of existence in this reality. We do not need to analyze, we do not need to over-think the information we receive.
As we learn to trust, we realize that by being one with the flow, we create not only new life experiences but we also become our new, true selves.
Therefore we can shift anything in our lives as we flow with universal energies and trust that it is leading us to new creations from moment to moment.
We can feel and have a new sense of the constant motion as we are steadily moving and flowing forward but it is very different from the steadiness and experience that our ego used to create.
Our new creations are not based on any of our old, previous experiences and perceptions.
Although it might seem that the physical reality and people around us have not changed much, our perception of them has changed tremendously and for us that is a 'game changer'. Therefore all of our interaction with others, all of our ways of creation have been altered, thus we are in the process of learning and mastering our new way of existence within the flow.
We have also fulfilled many or all of our soul contracts in the old reality and it means that we are open for new connections and opportunities and can establish new relationships in all areas of our lives.

I truly wish to encourage you all to be curious, learn and experience more and more how to be one with the flow and be within the flow of all universal energies, merging it with your physical reality.



Saturday, 3 May 2014

No attachment

No attachment

We have been releasing in recent years much of everything that we may now call old. We have been doing a constant inner work which needed to be done in order to move forward and upward. We have faced various challenges along the way, but many of us have chosen to follow our inner, higher guidance despite the fact that most of the time it might have made no sense to us and we have had no idea where it will lead us. Uncertainty becomes the theme in countless ways for those who are taking part of the ascension process. 
However we also have to remember that each phase of this process is temporary and as the overall plan is unfolding, we are flowing with it.

We have detached from so much of the old (selves), now we can hardly recognize ourselves at times as a result of that.
Our belief system has significantly changed, we interact with others very differently or often not at all, because we cannot find common ground with them any longer.
And mostly, we might not experience emotions the same way as we have been during our whole lives.
Detachment changes every aspect of our lives and provides us with emotional freedom. 
When we are not attached to situations, ideas or to people around us, our perception of any life experience can be utterly altered.
We acknowledge the flow of life (energies) with ease when we do not pressure or force ourselves to hold on to anything.

This is however not an easy concept in a physical realm which is where we currently exist.
But learning and mastering detachment is part of the overall ascension process.
We simply cannot shift to higher levels of awareness and interact with higher vibrational universal energies as long as we keep attaching ourselves to old energies and life experiences.
What we may find challenging is that many of us are shifting and evolving, but definitely not all!
In fact, everyone is on a very different level of awareness and stage of their own process, therefore it is really not that simple sometimes to communicate with others.
We might also feel and be aware of the fact that we vibrate on a different energy level and frequency than many around us and it can cause discomfort within us at times if we sense the energetic 'gap'.
However, when we remember not to attach ourselves to other people's experiences and instead we choose to be observers then the interaction is so much easier for us.
We do not need to repeat (old) situations and life experiences for the sake of others. We can observe and understand that our friends or family members are dealing with their issues on certain levels, but if we have already completed that kind of inner work for ourselves we do not need to be involved in their process.
Thus, we are free and able to keep focused on our own process and we can simply trust that others will complete the necessary tasks for themselves and then they will shift to a new level of awareness.

Keeping our high vibrational energies and awareness on the level that we have already reached is important for ourselves and for the overall ascension process as well.
In this way we can energetically assist not only those closest and dearest to us but everyone on this planet.


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