Thursday 5 December 2013

Star seeds are expanding

Star seeds are expanding

I wrote about high vibrational energy waves in my previous post, but of course we are also being effected by other types of universal activities, such as huge gateway openings. 
And we had many of those, throughout this year.
None of these activities are really new for us, however I've noticed a significant change in our interaction with universal energies.

In the past, year after year we have been transmuting and/or transmitting all sorts of energies for the masses. 
This is a fact, regardless of people around us acknowledging it or not. 
The major part of our energy work has never been about us or for us, as all star seeds are here to participate in an overall ascension plan.

But, our interaction became personal with the incoming energies this year.
We have been guided to shift our focus to ourselves, thus to our own individual processes. And so we had been releasing everything that is old and is not up to date in our lives. 
All of the gateways and energy waves provided us with infinite high vibrational universal energies to replace the old. We have had countless opportunities to integrate pure energies into our physical, mental and emotional bodies, this is what we have been experiencing day after day.
And all of the universal energies we integrated, became our new energy structure. 
All that is within us now.

What I'm seeing (since 01/12) is that our energy fields our expanding significantly. 
Our bodies went thorough all major transformations already and now, our energy fields are transforming too.
You perhaps still have that old (used to be popular) image of an aura in your mind, where a thin layer of energy surrounds a body, then it's time to let that picture go, because we are way past that.

Our expended energy fields are truly magnificent and I'd like to inspire you all to tune in, see it and feel it!

Having a conscious connection with our energy fields and a clear understanding of them, is important at this time in our process.
What I'm also seeing is that, all of the gateways that opened this year are in close connection with our energy fields and constantly interacting with us through this way.
So, if you would take some time to remember how many powerful gateway activities we experienced, you could feel and envision the significance of such interactions.
This activity will go on until 21/12 as far as I can tell based on higher information that I received.

I felt guided to share this information here, therefore I believe many of you might benefit from it.
Shifting our focus on our expending energy fields is essential this month and then we'll see moment to moment where this experience will take us.

I hope this information resonates with you.

Enjoy your expansion!


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